• For Francesco

    For Francesco

    A watercolor of the fountain in front of the Pantheon which morphed into a portrait of my Roman friend Francesco. He now lives on an island in Florida, hence the palms and a bridge over a canal.

  • La Quercia - The Oak

    La Quercia - The Oak

    Painted my first year at the Canonica, this mighty oak stood backlit at the edge of the property. It captures the feeling of energy emanating from the place, teaming with life and light.

  • L' Arca - The Arch

    L' Arca - The Arch

    Painted on a drizzly day in San Gimignano. I stood in a great vaulted portico painting its interior, my reflection in the glass doors at the back. When I went to take a break and asked a retired man seated nearby with his retired friends if he would watch my easel, he refused. I offered to show him photos of nudes I had painted if he helped me out. He readily agreed. When I returned from my break and handed over the images, he jealously guarded them from his friends, stating emphatically "I watched her easel, not you!"

  • Mosaico – Mosaic

    Mosaico - Mosaic

    Inspired by a visit to the baths of Caracalla, it is a fragment of mosaic found there and experienced on that hot sunny day. I imagined being under the water of the baths, or in the sea, feeling a fisherman's trident piercing the water's surface.